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What is Dandelion? Healing with Dandelion

Updated on August 23, 2017

Dandelion: Pesky Weed or Healing Flower?

Actually, it's a little of both.

For those who don't understand that a Dandelion is one of mother natures best natural cures, it's just an annoying weed that's hard to get rid of.

But for those who understand the kind of benefits of Dandelion, it's a treasured flower that should be allowed to grow. I can't even describe how excited I get when I see a field of dandelions. All that healing power!!!

Dandelions can be made into an herbal remedy for many ailments. The most popular ways to harness the health benefits of Dandelions is with Dandelion tea, Dandelion oil or Dandelion extract. The parts used for healing are the root of dandelion, the flowers and leaves, with each having it's own healing properties.

What Is A Weed?

A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dandelion Tea

The root of Dandelion has been shown to help stimulate bile flow and prevent gallstones. In some countries, doctors prescribe it for gallstone disease. Dandelion wine has been shown to help with gallstones. Dandelion root can also act as an appetite stimulant. For some, Dandelions are known as the detox flower because it flushes out the liver, kidneys and gallbladder. Because it's so effective at improving liver health, Dandelion is sometimes used to treat jaundice. The root also can be used to improve upset stomach, constipation and flatulance.

Traditional Medicinals Tea - Dandelion Root Organic

The easiest way to get the amazing benefits of Dandelions is by drinking Dandelion tea. The recommended use is 3 cups a day. Because it has a slightly bitter taste, it's best to add a bit of honey.

This particular Dandelion tea has a taste very similar to coffee.

Dandelion Extract

Dandelion leaves are a known diuretic (meaning they make you pee). As a diuretic, it can help with many health issues. It can lessen the symptoms of PMS. It can help lower blood pressure. Dandelions can even help aid in the treatment of congestive heart failure. It can also be used for short term weight loss (due to water weight), but using it as a diuretic for a long period of time isn't recommended.

Normally a diuretic causes potassium levels to drop because it flushes the potassium out with the urine. But due to Dandelions extremely high level of potassium, it's able to keep potassium levels in the normal range.

Botanic Choice Liquid Extract, Dandelion Root

Using 10-30 drops of Dandelion extract a day can give you the same health benefits as drinking 3 full cups of Dandelion tea. The easiest way is just to add a couple drops to your juice or water three times a day.

Dandelion Oil

Dandelions anti-inflammatory properties have been proven to aid in the treatment of arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout. Some consider Dandelion to be a cure for rheumatoid arthritis. Dandelion infused oil massaged onto skin can be used to soothe sore muscles and decrease joint pain.

Dandelion Dynamo Oil 2 Ounces

Dandelion oil can be added in with a base oil (such as grapeseed oil) to create a therapeutic massage oil. Placing a few drops in your bathwater can help.

Dandelion Cream

Dandelions are great for certain skin conditions. It's antiviral properties help clear acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Using an astringent or cleanser made with Dandelion root extract can help improve skins texture by toning the blood vessels in the skin. The milk in dandelions can be applied directly to bug bites and spider bites to speed up healing. Studies show that Dandelions are able to inhibit the growth of certain fungi, namely, the fungus responsible for yeast infections. Adding Dandelion flowers to your bath water can help clear up a vaginal yeast infection. Using a compress soaked in a Dandelion root decoction can help relieve the pain of mastitis.

Dandelion Recipe

Dandelions helps reduce the amount of sugar in the blood by stimulating the production of insulin in the pancreas. As a result, it may be helpful in managing diabetes. It's diuretic properties also help since more sugar is flushed out with the urine. Many people eat Dandelion greens as part of their everyday diet to help maintain their health.

The Dandelion Celebration: A Guide to Unexpected Cuisine

That's right! Dandelion leaves are chock-full of vitamins and antioxidants. Just one cup of raw Dandelion leaves contains 1 1/2 times more Vitamin A than the recommended daily allowance. They even have more Vitamin A than carrots! Dandelion leaves also contain high amounts of vitamins K, C and H. They are also a good source for calcium, protein, potassium, beta carotene, fiber and iron.

Alternative Herbal Recipes

Buy Dandelion Print from AllPosters
Buy Dandelion Print from AllPosters

Dandelions are very tasty in an herbal recipe. Tea made out of the root of Dandelion has a taste very similar to coffee. Dandelion wine, when made correctly, has a delicate sweet taste.

Of course, not all herbal recipes are made to ingest. In addition to the healing Dandelion drink recipes, I've also included a recipe for Dandelion oil.

Basic Ingredients

Carrier Oils

Jean LeBlanc French Hazelnut Oil Stone Mill cold pressed 8 fl oz
Jean LeBlanc French Hazelnut Oil Stone Mill cold pressed 8 fl oz
Cold pressed hazelnut oil is best used as a base for massage oil. It has no scent or taste so it easily absorbs the Chamomile scent. It also penetrates easily and deeply.

Dandelion oil can work wonders when massaged into aching muscles.


  • Dandelion flowers to fill a quart jar 1/3 full
  • grapeseed oil


  1. 1. Place flowers into a clean jar
  2. 2. Cover flowers with oil. Fill almost til the top.
  3. 3. Cover with cheesecloth secured with a rubber band and set the jar in a sunny window
  4. 4. When the petals turn brown, remove them and replace with fresh flowers.
  5. 5. Repeat 3 times.
  6. 6. After the 3rd or 4th time, strain the oil using cheesecloth and cover it tightly. Store in a cool dark place.
Cast your vote for Dandelion Infused Oil

Dandelion Tea

Drinking just 3 cups of Dandelion tea a day will give you all the health benefits Dandelions can offer.

Use the leaves if you're wanting to make a diuretic tea.

Use the roots for help with digestion.

Use the flower petals for an antioxidant tea.

Use a mixture of the three for maximum benefits.


  • 1 Tbs of Dandelion
  • 1 cup of water


  1. 1. Bring water to a boil
  2. 2. Add Dandelion to the water and let it steep for 5-10 minutes
  3. 3. Strain and enjoy! You might want to add a bit of honey to tame the bitterness.

Dandelion Decoction

  • 1 tsp dried root (finely ground)
  • 1 cup of water


  1. 1. Bring water to a boil
  2. 2. Add the root. Cover and let simmer 20 minutes.
  3. Dose: 1/2 - 2 teaspoonfuls, 3 times daily
  4. Make sure the pan you use isn't aluminum.

Dandelion Wine

When making Dandelion wine, it's important to use only the flower petals. Leaving in any of the green will give your wine a slightly bitter taste. Make sure to wash them in cold water before using in any recipe.


  • 4 quarts dandelion flowers
  • 4 quarts boiling water
  • 4 oranges
  • cut into 1/4" slices
  • 4 lemons
  • cut into 1/4" slices
  • 1 cup raisins
  • finely chopped
  • 6 cups sugar
  • 1 yeast packet


  1. 1. Place dandelions in a large pot and pour boiling water on them.
  2. 2. Cover, move it to a warm place and leave it for a week (stir 1-2 times a day)
  3. 3. After a week, strain all the flower pulp out of the liquid. Make sure to squeeze the pulp dry to get all the juice you can. Throw pulp away.
  4. 4. Add oranges, lemons and raisins to the pot of liquid
  5. 5. Add sugar and stir until it's fully dissolved
  6. 6. Sprinkle the yeast on top (don't stir it in), cover the pot and let it sit in a warm place for two weeks. Stir once a day.
  7. 7. After 2 weeks, strain the liquid (making sure to get everything out) and return it back to the pot. Cover and let sit 2 days.
  8. 8. After 2 days, siphon the liquid into sterilized bottles and lightly push in cork. You'll want to leave it a little loose to allow for fermentation.
  9. 9. Check daily to see when it stops fermenting. It's done fermenting when all the little bubble stop clinging to the glass.
  10. 10. When it's done fermenting, tighten the corks and dip them in paraffin wax.
  11. 11. Let the wine age for at least 6 months The longer it ages, the better it is.

Photos and text; © 2011-2013 Catherine Taylor. All Rights Reserved

Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

Feel free to leave a comment, but don't stop here. There's some delicious dandelion recipes down below!


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